miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

The description of my blog and me

Hello Christine, my name is Miguel...I have 20 yeas old. I am student at Universidad de Chile, and before at Universidad de Santiago de Chile. I have a girlfriend for long time, she is Carolina, and live with my family in La Reina, Santiago (the most beautifull commune of Santiago). I like the literature and the latin music, for example Edgar Allan Poe or Fedor Dostoievski and Silvio Rodriguez in the music.
In my new blog (title "English Lab") I hope writting about the topics related with of Politics, the Management, the Government and Public policy. Also maybe writting about interesting things related to present in Chile and the world.
I hope it is a pleasant class and this place especially.

greetings Christine...
Miguel Fernàndez.

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